1. For all numeric input fields, as the user is typing, add the thousands separator (region-specific: comma, period, space, etc.).
When I deposit 1 Billion silver in the bank, I’d love to see 1,000,000,000 in the input field as I’m typing instead of seeing 1000000000 and having to count the zeros to make sure I’ve got the right amount.

2. For all numeric input fields, when the user taps into the field, select the entire value.
This works great in the Quick Sell, Quick Craft, Store, and Retrieve input fields. If the functionality from these fields are replicated for all other input fields then that would satisfy this suggestion. When I click/tap into these fields, the entire value is selected so I can quickly type over the value. For other fields, such as those in the Country Store, Cow Pasture, Pig Pen, Storehouse, etc. when I click/tap I to the field, it puts the cursor either in front of or at the end of the default value already in the field. I almost always want to put in a different number than what is already in the input field by default, so I have to backspace it out, or reposition the cursor to the end so I can backspace it out. If all the numeric input fields worked like the quick sell, quick craft, store, and retrieve fields, I could just tap anywhere in the field and start typing my number to overwrite what’s already in the field by default.

Submitted on Mar 25th 2024 by FeralNerd


I agree with both suggestions, and came here to request commas for Bank deposits & withdrawals. 1000000000 is much more difficult to parse than 1,000,000,000.

Thank you Farm RPG Team for a beautifully balanced and endlessly entertaining daily game!

Submitted on Mar 26th 2024 by Lizadee

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