I would love to have the option to turn off the notification for new chat messages without turning off the chat functionality altogether.

I'm a chronic notification-checker, so every time the chat icon in the bottom right turns yellow, I feel like I have to check it, even if I'm focusing on something else at the moment! As a result, I spend most of my time in the game with chat turned off entirely, and really only turn it on if I have a question or am using the giveaway channel.

If I could just toggle the notification, so the chat icon is present but stays green, I would leave it on and probably engage with the wonderful community a bit more :)

Submitted on Mar 25th 2024 by clamsey


A small fix you can do currently is to leave your chat window in the Trivia channel. Since it's only open at certain times, it shouldn't have as many notifications popping up as the other channels, then you can change when you want to chat and keep it over there to not have lots of notifications

Submitted on Mar 26th 2024 by LinkJason10j

Oh, I didn't even think of using the Trivia channel like that! That's a good workaround for now, thanks!

Submitted on Mar 26th 2024 by clamsey

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