download one of these mods
fading door tool:
and off-screen, make a base to fight in. Use any weapons such as the m9k, and HL2 weapons, and fight with the bases you make. A deathmatch style video with custom made fort type things would attract the attention of many viewers!

Another cool Idea would be to use said mods to work together and make a base to roleplay in. Who knows, maybe the Acachalla family moved to a new house? This idea would mean trial and error, because the majority of your channel consists of checking out others creations (dupesaddons) so it would be hard, but woud make for an awesome video!

Also, m9k specialties are too overpowered, I would know. Using a damage numbers mod, I deducted that the simple m9k pistol deals triple the amount of the HL2 pistol, shotguns are stupidly accurate, and just... the majority of firearms are incredibly stronger than HL2 weapons, like a double barrel deals more than the rocket launcher. Using M9K weapons MIGHT make the video less interesting, but I wouldn't mind if you did use the m9k weapons, they're really cool.

Submitted on Oct 5th 2019 by friendlyfiend345


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