one of the players will be a fanf character or pill and his/her job is to hide well the infinity stones and the infinity gauntlet from the others players but the problem is there's only one infinity gauntlet so it will the game even for all players but if the seeker uses a fanf pill than all players are allowed to use weapons but the overpowered one are not allowed and here are the rules

1.if the seeker uses fanf pills and the players manage to kill the seeker the seeker has to wait 10-25 seconds to respawn to give the players enough time for them to find the items.
2. the players are not allowed to use overpowered weapons that gives the seek an uneven match.
3. all players are allowed to hide in many places but the're not allowed to cheat by going through wall or other objects.
4. the players can pick any map.
5. have fun at playing the game thank you
6. subscribe to VenturianTale

Submitted on Apr 20th 2019 by dragondestoryer424


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