you could use any kind of weapon in gmod but not the weapons like the nuke!!!!!!! or any weapon that gives each other an unfair fight and you could any map it doesn't matter and also you can spawn any non-overpowered enemy and when you guys already picked the map for it you could set up some sneaky traps all over the map and the winner will not win by the points or kill they have got but the fan will decide the winner for the more coolest way you get the kill and sorry for if this idea is long or maybe copy and i didn't know sorry

Submitted on Apr 17th 2019 by dragondestoryer424


If this comes true there should be a sequel

Submitted on Apr 17th 2019 by JordanIsTheBest01

that would be awesome to be honest

Submitted on Apr 17th 2019 by dragondestoryer424

Lol I wish mine would be in a video

Submitted on Apr 17th 2019 by JordanIsTheBest01

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