Spooker,Colon, And Ghost(secretly Johnny Cranky) go on a mission to investigate a haunting caused by Gavin Toast! When Spooker and Colon aren’t around Johnny cranky. He goes and looks for Gavin and tries to get him to join D.o.I.E(destroyers of invesigaters extradoniare) Cranky has a difficult time getting Gavin to join him. Because of Cranky being so annoying to Gavin or another reason. Colon finds out what’s going on. He believes that he has to defeat Gavin by doing a Dance fight. Because of Toast and British disco and Colon thinks that his brother could do that unless Colon uses his dance moves to defeat him(which doesn’t work) and Gavin leaves because of how annoying everyone is. And Colon and Spooker deal with Cranky making it very difficult because at
This point. Cranky is trying to blow up the place...... and kill Spooker and Colon. And Cranky is defeated by cats.

Submitted on Apr 11th 2019 by Blackbirb


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