Okay, so this is based off a game my friends, siblings, and I used to play a few years ago in Gmod and Minecraft. It's called 'Please the Queen/King'. It is a game requiring 4 or more players, (in your case, you might want at least 5 or 6). How it works, is that 'the queen' aka Isaac (I chose him because this is still a reoccurring joke between my friends and I, and on the channel for like what, a year?), and then he has his one or two 'executors'.

The amusers (the rest of the players who aren't the queen or the executor(s)) will start on one side of the map (the starting point). The queen chooses his/her executor(s), and they will sit on the other side, the queen on their throne. Each amuser takes one turn going up to the queen and has to try and make them laugh. If they succeed in making the queen laugh, the current amuser will get a point, and will run back to the starting area, no execution needed. However, if they fail to do so, or make the queen cringe, the queen will order the executor(s) to kill the current amuser with the weapon of the queen's choice . The amuser then has to run all the way back the starting line without being killed, and will receive no point.

Each amuser has three lives, once all are out, they lose, and can no longer participate. The first person to three points, or the last person living, has to fight the queen in a deathmatch with the executors choice of weapon. If the amuser wins, they win the game. He/she will then become the new queen/king, and take over the kingdom. If the queen wins, they will continue ruling over the kingdom. Thus, a new game is started, and the system is repeated.

Extra rules:

- No nukes, or other explosives, as choice of weapons (No miniguns, oribtal strikes, or nerve gas either, I know how y'all work at this point.). Throwing objects with the gravity gun is allowed.
- The executors have to stay in the same spot to kill the returning amuser, if they move, the amuser gets a free pass.
- If the queen wins the deathmatch, a new executor(s) must be chosen for the next game, it can't be the same person twice.
- If the queen is fifty-fifty on an amuser's attempt, (like if the queen just cracks a smile, or lightly giggles, or if the attempt is both cringy and funny), they can consult their executor, who can make the choice for them.
- The executor(s) can't help the queen in the deathmatch.
- The returning amuser can't fight back when the executor is trying to kill them.
- An amuser can't have any weapons in hand the entire game, if they are caught with one, they are automatically disqualified.
- The queen can request themes if they so wish.
- The only person who can't have a queen title is Jordan, he has to be known as Princess Monika, no exceptions.

Hope you guys have fun with this!

Submitted on Mar 25th 2019 by Geeksterlynx


Forgot to mention, there is no noclipping allowed. The only exception to this rule is if Jordan needs to camera the other amusers attempts, the amusers goes up to the queen for their turn, or if the amuser going back and is not ordered to be executed. Also, you can change your model for each turn, if it is necessary for your attempt.

Submitted on Mar 25th 2019 by Geeksterlynx

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